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WIN the ultimate Gloucestershire Christmas hamper

29 November 2022 general

WIN the ultimate Christmas hamper filled with delicious local food and drink from Gloucestershire.

Christmas giveaway!

WIN the ultimate Christmas hamper filled with delicious local food and drink from Gloucestershire.

We are helping you to fill your festive table with incredible Gloucestershire produce and say ‘cheers!’ to our beautiful county this Christmas.

Head over to the Made in Gloucestershire Instagram page for your chance to win.

There is another chance to win a Christmas hamper at The Growth Hub Festive Fayre in the raffle on Tuesday 6th December - 10am - 2pm, Oxstalls Campus in The Growth Hub! No need to book, just turn up!

Are you supporting local this Christmas?

Every time you buy from a local business, you’re not just getting a taste of something unique, but you’re helping Gloucestershire to keep growing. That’s because every pound invested in a Gloucestershire business guarantees jobs for local people and helps support the local economy.

To see the full list of businesses that are truly Made in Gloucestershire, visit our directory.

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Made in Gloucestershire is backed by some of the county’s leading organisations.

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